Thursday, March 3, 2016

Distance Miami Key West | South Beach Ocean Drive Hotels

Key West Ghost Tours

If you are planning to rent a car from touring around Miami and Key West, you need to know about the parking conditions. While the parking conditions in Miami are still bearable, it is rather difficult in Key West. There are very few free parking spots in Key West. Most of the free spaces are offered by the hotels. In the rest of the island city, you will have to pay for parking which can quickly become an exorbitant expense. As such, it is preferable if you don't rent a car to explore Key West. Renting a bike will be a better option from the financial standpoint. Additionally, biking allows you to explore the city completely at your own pace. Other Transport Options

If you are interested in learning more about the marine life around Key West, you should visit this aquarium. It is, in fact, one of the first open-air aquariums in the country. It was built for algae control but was later upgraded into a full-fledged aquarium with a roof. There are many interesting exhibits here including on the marine life of the Atlantic Ocean. Local sea life can be found in plenty. There is even an exhibit where you can touch invertebrates such as starfish and conch. There are different ways you can experience the many sights and places in Key West. You may even get a tour bus from Miami to Key West that takes you to all of these places.

Miami To Key West Transportation

Art lovers should certainly pay a visit to the studios of Key West. This is a nonprofit setup where artists have their studios. Apart from the art displays, there is a beautiful sculpture garden. Concerts, literary workshops, readings, visual workshops and lectures are often held in this spot. It serves as a great way to become introduced to the creative and arts scene in Key West. Mallory Square

Snorkeling in Key West

Orignal From: Distance Miami Key West | South Beach Ocean Drive Hotels

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